Thursday, April 23, 2009

Remembering my past with my future...

We decided to spend "spring break" in Idaho this year, bad idea if you are looking for spring like weather! As we enjoyed a wintery week in Idaho with family I decided I would take the girls around the town and show them a few things that stick out in my mind from my childhood.

First and foremost I wanted them to see the "Welcome to Rigby" sign. I remember this sign when it was shiny and new. It is a bit run down these days, but it still lets everyone driving by know that Rigby, ID is the birthplace of the television!

I guess I took for granted how beautiful the Snake River really was(and is) as a child. I love to drive by the Riverwalk when I visit and take in the beautiful falls.

This water tower is special to Mya! I have no idea why, but when she was 2 years old we drove past this red, white and blue relic and Mya shouted with joy that she found "Barney's Castle"!! Ever since then that is how we refer to it. We have now convinced Meghan that it's Barney's Castle!

Last but not least, we drove by the "witches tower"!!! I don't know what the purpose of this old stone building was, but I can tell you that my family took great please in scaring us with it! I would love to find out it's true purpose!


Anonymous said...

While living in New Mexico (a 11 hour drive from Rigby) my kids knew that when they saw the red and white water tower they were almost to Grandma's house. Pretty exciting except that they usually started looking for it from Moab on...makes for a LOOONG drive! It would have been great to see you while you were here! Hope you enjoyed yourself!

Tyson and Christi Smith said...

That is funny about the witches tower, I have never heard that. You can bet now that my kids will be afraid of it!!