Thursday, March 25, 2010

Oh, my baby...

On Wednesday I signed Meghan up for kindergarten! I did really well. I didn't even shed one tear! I dotted all the “I’s” and crossed all the “T’s” on the mountain of paperwork. I was even able to admit she can be a bit “bossy” on the “about me” sheet! I was very proud of myself; I tend to be a bit emotional.

One day later...much different story…

Meghan’s preschool had its International Concert..the class marched in waving flags from all around the world and I watched my little girl climb up on that big stage and I started to lose it! The tears started before the music! I can’t believe she is going to be 5 in just a few short months! I can say for sure that God has blessed me with two great kids!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Our first broken bone :'(

Wednesday afternoon Mya was doing her usual cartwheels across the entry way of the house  I have warned her many times that she is going to get hurt and she fell not once but twice!  The first time she got up and kept on going.  The second time she stayed down I told her not to cartwheel in the house.  I watched her until Ken got home from work and she was really in a lot of pain so off we went to the Urgent Care did I mention I have told her not to cartwheel in the house? !  They did an xray and said she had a break.  They splinted her and told us we had to see a Pediatric Ortho on Thursday.  So we got the appt and she indeed has a brake and is in a cast for 3 weeks and then he will reevaluate her arm!  Pray for us that this only lasts 3 weeks.......I told her so!

It was bruised all up and down of her forearm...

Getting her cast on...

I don't think she realized how far up her arm it was going to go...


I have been a little obsessed with a few blogs lately that explain how to save hundreds of dollars every month by "couponing".  After a few weeks of wondering if I could do it I finally gave it a shot.  It is not as easy as you think it is.  First, you have to change the way you think about how you buy groceries.  You don't really buy for the week, you buy for what is on sale and cook off of the storage you have built up.  Secondly, you have to spend quite a bit of time organizing and preparing for your trip to the grocery store.  Last night Ken and I stayed up late looking over the Publix add and pulling coupons from the internet and it really paid off in a big way!  Publix offers many "buy one get one"(BOGO) offers and you can use one coupon per item!  For example purchased Ragu pasta sauce BOGO for $3.19 and then used a coupon that saved me $1 off two sauces, so I got both for $2.19! 

This is a picture of all the items.  It really doesn't do it justice since things are stacked and burried on top of each other. 

And the back side....

close up views

I paid $97.00 for all of this and I saved $107.90! 

I am really excited about this and can't wait until the next shopping adventure!!